Liking Pink Doesn’t Mean You Can’t be a Geek!
Many female geeks find themselves in the difficult position of fighting to be taken seriously in the traditionally male dominated domains of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. And so they will hide and even publicly scorn their traditionally feminine interests in order to fit in and avoid ridicule. But who says you can’t have the best of both worlds and combine your girliness with your love of tech? Be a girly geek girl with these cute gifts featuring a pinked up version of the iconic Linux mascot Tux.

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Sweatshirt by disgruntled_genius
View other Squeenux T-Shirts at

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Tshirt by disgruntled_genius
Find more Squeenux T-Shirts at Zazzle

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Car Bumper Sticker by disgruntled_genius
Find more Squeenux Bumper Stickers at Zazzle

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Shirts by disgruntled_genius
Look at Squeenux T-Shirts online at

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Jumbo Tote Bag by disgruntled_genius
Browse Squeenux Bags online at

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Mouse Pad by disgruntled_genius
Create a custom mouse mat on zazzle.

Women in Open Source Computer Technologies Case-Mate iPhone 4 Cases by disgruntled_genius
Find more Squeenux Casemate Cases at Zazzle
Gift set includes the following items:
coasters, paperweights, mousepads, bumperstickers, novelty keychains, sweatshirts, hoodies, tshirts, apparel, tote bags, canvas bags, shopping bags, phone accessories, iphone cases