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The Celebration of Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa was started in the 1960s by a university professor as a way for African-Americans and others in the African diaspora to engage in celebrations that included elements of African culture. While Kwanzaa is not as popular as Christmas, it keeps growing and its goal has been achieved as it is now practiced in many nations which have a large population of people of African ancestry. The wide availability of Kwanzaa greeting cards and even postage stamps at Christmas time, also attests to the extent to which the celebration has entered the mainstream.
Among the most important features of Kwanzaa are seven core principles that are meant to be a foundation and guide upon which the African diaspora can build a strong, successful and fulfilling life. These principles embody the values of self-determination, unity, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. While not religious, the principles of Kwanzaa are meant to instill a strong sense of spirituality. Through this celebration, individuals can build self-confidence and secure self-identity through a link to their roots.

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