Welcome the New Year with Beautiful Works of Art.
Note: Calendars can be purchased with any year desired.
The beginning of a new year is a time of resolutions and renewal for many. The simple act of changing a calendar year, gives us a chance to start fresh and change things which we have not been happy with the previous year. While some things cannot be changed, such as medical issues and the nagging car repairs that come at the most inopportune time, there are many things about our lives which we can change when we set our minds to the task.
Many people set out to celebrate New Year’s Day by making resolutions which they really don’t have any real desire to fight to keep going throughout the year. If you have ever been in a health club or gym in January, then you know how many people can be there that you will never see again come February. The key to making your New Year’s resolutions and having them become reality in your life is to start small and really dedicate yourself to what you want to change in your life. If you are overweight, or even simply want to get into better shape, start with eating better and walking around your own neighborhood before you shell out the big money for a membership to a gym.

2016 Photos from Rose Gardens of Farmers Branch TX Calendar by giftsbygenius
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2016 Gardens of North Central Texas Calendar by giftsbygenius
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2016 Digital Expressionism Calendar by giftsbygenius
View other Digital computer Calendars at Zazzle.com
Calendar Product Information
Make every day count with your custom calendar. Add your own special photographs, images, and text for each month of this two-page calendar. Start your design from scratch or customize your choice of unique templates.
- High quality, full-color, full-bleed printing.
- Choose from 13 unique styles for dates and holidays.
- Optional start and end dates.
- Wire-o binding in 7 different colors.
- Available in three sizes – Standard, Small, and Huge.