Poor management is the number one reason employees become disgruntled and leave their job.
The Perky Penguin always has something positive to say about work and office life. She has the means to teach you to love your job and to see your boss and coworkers in an appreciative light. See that whip? That’s right, the beatings will continue until morale improves. Carry your lunch or personal items to work in one of these funny tote bags and show everyone that you are a real team player.

I’m going to help you keep your job by disgruntled_genius
Create personalized canvas tote bags at zazzle.com

Congratulations on your well earned promotion by disgruntled_genius
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Canvas Tote Bags
“Paper or Plastic?” You’ll say, “No, thanks”, when shopping with this environmentally friendly tote. Who said you can’t take it with you? You can take just about everything with you in a tote bag. Truly is a great value, they hold groceries, books, kids’ toys, beach stuff, practically anything you can name. Additionally, totes are great as presents or giveaways. A gift that’s beautiful, but tough enough to stand up to stuffing, hauling and washing.