Perhaps the Perky Penguin Can Help Motivate Your Employees…
Welcome to the Disgruntled Genius where HR stands for Humor Resources! Productivity is a performance measure to indicate how a company can successfully convert its resources into its intended products or services. Motivation is a related concept as it is employee motivation that fuels productivity. When a worker is motivated to take pride in his or her work, that employee provides value to the organization. They contribute to the overall productivity of their organization and to the economy at large. If you are having difficulty getting your employees motivated, it may be time to introduce them to the Perky Penguin. The Perky Penguin always has something positive to say about work and office life. Plus, she has the means to teach workers to love their jobs and see managers and coworkers in an appreciative light. See the whip? That’s right, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Beatings will continue until morale improves Dry-Erase whiteboards by disgruntled_genius
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