One of the best ways to choose a gift that will please a recipient, is to consider their greatest interests and loves. Whether it is for Christmas, a birthday, or some other special occassion, a hobby or interest related gift is likely to be particularly well received, especially if you choose with care, and do your homework. Often, though, the person you are buying for will have an interest you know absolutely nothing about. For example, they may adore horses and go riding every weekend, while the only animals you know anything about are cats and dogs.
So, how do you go about choosing and buying a gift for a horse lover?
There are a wide variety of gift possibilities for the horse lover. The first thing to do is to gauge the level of interest the person you are buying the gift for has for horses. Are they a serious horse rider? Are they a person who works with horses and thus loves anything to do with them? Or do they simply love animals in general, including horses? Once you are clear, you can think more about the actual gift you should buy them.
Gifts For Horse Riders
Horse riding is an activity that requires a fair bit of expensive equipment. There are riding gloves, saddles, saddle bags, bridles and stirrups, all of which are needed by the keen horseman or horsewoman. If you are shopping for a close friend or relative and don’t mind the expense, then you want to add to their horse riding gear. But you should first find out what additional items they need or what may need replacing. If you want something less expensive, you should consider books and videos on some aspect of riding horses, plus the other horse lover gift options below.
Gifts For Non-Riding Horse Lovers
Not everyone who likes horses goes riding; some may never even go near a horse, but still enjoying viewing pictures of horses. Apart from books and videos, there is much in the way of home and garden décor which has a horse theme. For outdoors, horse statues of various sizes make a stately landscaping addition. For indoors, there kitchenware, bathroom accessories, and even furnishingsfeaturing horse imagery. In fact, many of the items you see around the house probably have a version featuring horses: towels, plates, coasters, napkins, candles, tapestries, and throw pillows are all quite easily found with a horse theme.
Horse Toy Gifts
When it comes to young horse lovers, then horse related toys are a popular gift. Cuddly soft, toys and soft horse toys are sure to be a hit with younger children. But miniature horses and accessories are popular with both young and old. Older enthusiasts would especially enjoy collector’s items such as hand carved, high quality stables, with model horses and miniature tack.
Gift Suggestions:
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The Rancher: Images of a White Farm Horse Tile by inspiredbygenius
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The Rancher: Images of a White Farm Horse Premium Keepsake Boxes by inspiredbygenius
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